About T3 For All
Bringing Topic 3 to a wider public
T3 For All is an exciting (if entirely fictional) project designed to raise aware of T3.
It was first invented as one of the projects listed on the Research Showcase website. The original project page can be seen here. This mini-site is designed to show how Mosaic can be used to create a subsidiary website for a semi-independent entity such as a research project.
While other pages on this site make use of content which has been shared from the Research Showcase site, this page was created as part of the T3 For All site. It could be used to expand on the information available on the original project page - or to provide additional material, such as the quotations below.
Principal Investigator Prof Michelle Smith says:
We're enormously pleased to have this opportunity to share T3 with the wider world, including those outside the academic community who might not normally encounter it. We hope that by the end of the project, people will have some idea what this T3 that we keep talking about actually is.
Malcolm Hurd from the T3 Charitable Trust is also lending his support to the project:
Levels of ignorance about T3 in our society are shockingly high. Some have argued that this is because T3 is simply a made-up subject which was invented purely for use on demonstration sites like this one, but we're not content to leave things that way. Just because it's fictional, it doesn't mean it's not important.
More about the project
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Quisque hendrerit arcu eget congue suscipit. Sed tincidunt laoreet venenatis. Phasellus consequat, neque vel sagittis lobortis, diam velit pretium magna, a dapibus sapien sapien non ante. Proin pulvinar urna vel justo pretium luctus. In euismod erat tellus, vitae dictum lectus egestas ut. Donec interdum ornare erat, eget interdum justo pellentesque eu. Integer tincidunt tortor erat, et malesuada purus dictum at. Vivamus at augue efficitur, sollicitudin orci id, luctus ipsum. Sed sed efficitur tortor, eget sollicitudin est. Etiam id metus leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam egestas ligula mollis turpis posuere, a aliquam nulla molestie. Suspendisse dignissim, metus nec laoreet tincidunt, odio metus convallis neque, quis sodales dolor nibh sit amet odio. Mauris pellentesque egestas ultrices. Nunc commodo ultricies magna, vel faucibus erat volutpat eu. Nullam a orci non sapien vestibulum malesuada.
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